Clickable INFOMAP
【INFOMAP 屋苑聯絡信息圖】可點擊PDF,此版本揭載屋苑管理處、會所、保安、各座前臺電話、法團聯絡電郵、即時電子通告、電報頻道、討論區、臉書群組專頁、與及建築結構與疫情統計等資訊、以上信息、頻道與最新版本之信息圖(版本0.9x)皆由叠友會設計、營運與製作,在此提供業戶下載以滿足鄰里需求。
[ INFOMAP ] A clickable pdf contained contact of the Pinnacle is now publicly available for download. In latest edition (version 0.9x), phone number of management office, club house, security & receptions of each blocks are included, also the direct email contact to committee, digital notice board, Telegram channel & discuss group, Facebook page & group, and further information of buildings structure and covids status. These channels and the Infomap were designed and operates by volunteers of pinnaclub, all we hope is to help neighbors.